Saturday, June 10, 2006

Leaving on a jet plane...

I sent my parents off at the airport for their short getaway from hectic Singapore. The airport never fails to make me emotional. While waiting for my parents to check-in, I stood from a distance pondering the exact scene 3 weeks later. This time round, it is me checking in my way to Down Under. All of a sudden, a tinge of sadness overwhelmed me.

At the departure gate where I bidded my parents farewell, my mom hugged me tightly and kissed me. I knew it was not due to this short distance apart that she was feeling emotional about. Rather, it was the farewell we are going to say 3 weeks later that is going to make everyone's heart heavy and eyes swollen. I felt tears welling up in my eyes as I made my way to the carpark.

But I know that separation is temporary, and what awaits me in Aussie will make me a better and stronger person. So I shall tighten my laces and keep going..

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