Monday, June 26, 2006

Going once, going twice, gone...

It stumbled upon me just a few days ago that I'm leaving in a week's time. Just this week, I realised that I was only going to see Lionel 5 more times before we bid each other farewell. Yesterday, Lionel told me my maid was commenting that my mom was toying with the idea of not sending me off at the airport for fear that she will cry.

Today, I realised that it was my last service at Pentecost Methodist Church. A good friend teared while praying for me in the sanctuary. I have had lots of farewell meals with more coming up in the next week. Suddenly, I can't help but realised I have so many family and friends that care so much about me and am sad that I'm leaving.

I asked myself what I would've done if the one leaving is one of my good friends instead. Would I have gone out of the way to touch that person, just like all of you have touched me? I feel a great tinge of sadness as my departure approaches. So much I wish to say, but tears well up whenever I think of how to express myself.

Goodbye is really the hardest thing to say. :'(

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