Saturday, June 10, 2006

Unfamiliar places...

A few nights ago, I stayed overnight at my cousin's place. Excited with the new handphone I just got, I was meddling with the functions like a ecstatic kid. Into the wee hours of the night, I found myself lying in a unfamiliar room, facing the ceiling with eyes wide open. I could not get to sleep.

Listening to the radio and pondering about my departure, I felt lonely. The world was asleep yet I was awake. I smsed my best friend telling her that I missed home even though I'm right here at home. Tears flowed down as we exchanged a couple more smses. All of a sudden, it hit me that I was really leaving, not for a short vacation but a long secondment.

Will I suffer from insomnia when I lie on the bed in an unfamiliar room and country in time to come? :(

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