Sunday, February 04, 2007


I know, I know, it's been a long time since I blogged. For my updates, please refer to the following: -> when I'm hardworking enough to blog -> the combined blog of the 7 Aust CA secondees -> the blog of my housemate aka bully, Yishan

Till then, I will just read about how the rest are doing via their blogs! ;p

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

1st day in Melbourne

We arrived at the airport exhausted. Though we flew business class, we just didn't manage to rest well. I was worried that my food stuff which I was declaring would be confiscated. Aiya, it was just worrying for nothing. The clearance was so easy! Man, I should have brought my xiaobai along! :(

So off to the serviced apartment we went. We put our luggage and headed to the city to get our calling cards, prepaid cards and set up bank accounts. It was nostalgia all over again. I remembered vaguely the time I came Melbourne about 2 years ago with Huiqi. But this time round, I ain't a tourist anymore. I'm going to call this place home. Don't really know if I'm up to it. :

Anyhow, worrying ain't for the stylo. It's time to fill our stomachs with food! Our first meal in Melbourne, special set lunch meal at cafe A1 in Chinatown, recommended by hot babe. Look at that greedy face of hers! Ha, but oh well, the food ain't great. The yuan yang ain't fantastic. It was a disappointment. A very expensive one, to be exact. It cost me A$9? Which is like S$10? Just for a set lunch that taste like tomatoes? Come on! :(

Guess what we spotted on our way back to our serviced apartment? Haha, the focus of our trip to Melbourne. PwC Singapore! Ha, the building doesn't look fantastic in the day, but it does look quite decent at night! Oh man, look at all those lights. Does it mean people are still busy working away? OH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

Goodbye Singapore...

29 Jun 2006, this is a day I will always remember. I was due to fly to Melbourne for my secondment to PwC Melbourne. I was overwhelmed that so many people turned out. It felt kind of weird, as if I was hosting a wedding dinner myself. But I thought it was a good chance to actually let everybody know everybody.

On a lighter note, this is a picture of my most beloved and me!

I did not realise that goodbye is such a hard word to say. As I bidded my family and friends farewell, I couldn't help but tear. Reality suddenly hit me. This is not temporary, but for an extended period of time.

On the plane, more tears welled up as I read through the cards and gifts that I received. At that moment, I wanted to go back in time. I wanted to reverse my application to come to Australia. :'(

Monday, June 26, 2006

Going once, going twice, gone...

It stumbled upon me just a few days ago that I'm leaving in a week's time. Just this week, I realised that I was only going to see Lionel 5 more times before we bid each other farewell. Yesterday, Lionel told me my maid was commenting that my mom was toying with the idea of not sending me off at the airport for fear that she will cry.

Today, I realised that it was my last service at Pentecost Methodist Church. A good friend teared while praying for me in the sanctuary. I have had lots of farewell meals with more coming up in the next week. Suddenly, I can't help but realised I have so many family and friends that care so much about me and am sad that I'm leaving.

I asked myself what I would've done if the one leaving is one of my good friends instead. Would I have gone out of the way to touch that person, just like all of you have touched me? I feel a great tinge of sadness as my departure approaches. So much I wish to say, but tears well up whenever I think of how to express myself.

Goodbye is really the hardest thing to say. :'(

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Leaving on a jet plane...

I sent my parents off at the airport for their short getaway from hectic Singapore. The airport never fails to make me emotional. While waiting for my parents to check-in, I stood from a distance pondering the exact scene 3 weeks later. This time round, it is me checking in my way to Down Under. All of a sudden, a tinge of sadness overwhelmed me.

At the departure gate where I bidded my parents farewell, my mom hugged me tightly and kissed me. I knew it was not due to this short distance apart that she was feeling emotional about. Rather, it was the farewell we are going to say 3 weeks later that is going to make everyone's heart heavy and eyes swollen. I felt tears welling up in my eyes as I made my way to the carpark.

But I know that separation is temporary, and what awaits me in Aussie will make me a better and stronger person. So I shall tighten my laces and keep going..
Unfamiliar places...

A few nights ago, I stayed overnight at my cousin's place. Excited with the new handphone I just got, I was meddling with the functions like a ecstatic kid. Into the wee hours of the night, I found myself lying in a unfamiliar room, facing the ceiling with eyes wide open. I could not get to sleep.

Listening to the radio and pondering about my departure, I felt lonely. The world was asleep yet I was awake. I smsed my best friend telling her that I missed home even though I'm right here at home. Tears flowed down as we exchanged a couple more smses. All of a sudden, it hit me that I was really leaving, not for a short vacation but a long secondment.

Will I suffer from insomnia when I lie on the bed in an unfamiliar room and country in time to come? :(